
Monday, November 29, 2021

Science - Water and Milk

We are learning to us water and milk to help us understand different scientific concepts.

On Friday we did some science. The first one was water travelling.For water travelling you need some cups,food colouring and some paper towels. with the plastic cup you need to pow some water in then you need to get the food colouring then get the plastic cup and pow the food colouring in each of the cup and make sure that the food colouring is in different cups then you get the the paper towels then you roll it and then you put it ins the two cup and the you are done.the Second one you need milk food colouring and dish soap. get a boll then pow the milk in the boll and then you need to put two drops of food colouring get three colours then get the dish soap and get a tooth pick and then put on some of the dish soap on the tooth pick then put the tooth pick in the middle of the bowl then it will end up really cool.


Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Water - An Amazing Substance

We are using water to help us understand different scientific concepts.

Last Friday we did some science with Te Tinana. The first one was Evaporation when you do evaporation you need a plastic cup and make sure that the science exasperate is not in the shade or else it will not work. with the plastic cup you need water and fill the cup with water and make sure that it is a sunny day. Then you tip the water on to the concrete and then wait for a little while and then it will magically fad away.

The second one that we did was to keep the water in the cup and we had a ice cream lid under it and if some air got in the cup then the water will fall out of the cup.

Then the third one was that the cold water had to travel to the warm water.

Asttle Narrative Writing - The Knight

The children write for a total of 40 minutes. Within that timeframe they have to plan their writing (a brainstorm) write, edit and re-craft their work. They are not allowed to use dictionaries or word cards. The students completed their writing on paper but have typed it out for their blogs.

WALT write a creative narrative story!


Once up on a time far away lived a king,queen and there knights. one day the knights said to the king and the queen the witch has made her a army and came to attack the kingdom. the knights were so scared but then one of the knight had a plan he can rember a book that he read when he was a kid so he check everywhere in the laibery and then he find it. it was dusty and rusty and the book was called how to defeat  a witch and her army. So on day of the war the knight rember the book he read so the knight did a spell on the witch and the army and then then they never came back again and they went to another kingdom and then we never seen the witch and her army again.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori

WALT read, write and say māori words and sentences.

When we had Whaea Seroya every day we would get a kupu o te ra and that is a word of the day. I have been learning lots of Maori words and the meanings of them, like kuaha means door, pukapuka means book and there are many more. We did a little bit of art. It was making weku masks. There was also this game called wharewhare kemu. Wharewhare kemu helped us with our maori words for fruit

(hua rakau. I have been learning lots and maybe you might too. When we did our pukapuka we said ko wai au.  no hea au. Ko panana au.