
Friday, June 11, 2021

First Draft - Mahuika Show

Once upon a time there where  two sisters and there name where kahu and sissy but sissy would never help with jobs she would just let her sister do all of the work then one day the sisters went to help there Nan do her garden so kahu just went and sissy she was hiding then 

Kahu said sissy where are you. Nan said that you have to help. sissy still did not answer. then Nan came in. Kahu where is your sister said Nan I do not know said kahu. She always gets out of the jobs in a sigh she is called lazy kahu said don't call your sister lazy Nan said. Fine but she is lazy.

A few seconds later Kahu finally fined sissy. kahu said hahahaha I fined you no no no no said sissy. what is this said kahu it is a kete said sissy. they stied into there eyes and they said its mine they said together.

Kahu just got it before sissy could. no no no kahu its mine no i got it first. then they open the magic kete. poof came out a grrrrr it grid at them. then there Nan came then she said GIRLS WHAT ARE YOU DOING in a loud voice. kahu did it what no sissy did it what no she is lieing girls stop said nan. 

ooooo and nan i fined this okay i will come over here. then suddenly nan she was turned into COAL. then this guy and his name was potiki uhhhh Kahu who is this guy I do not know. i am the last flaming figer nalie uhhhhh said sissy. wait can you help us please our nan she was turned into stone okay. then here came pukeko. he said Potiki i am going to take you on a trip heheh so potiki he hoped on his back and flew away  then sissy meet piwakawaka and he had big eyes and he was stuck in the mud so sissy help and piwakawaka said don't pull 


then sissy meet piwakawaka and he had big eyes and he was stuck in the mud  and piwakawaka said don't pull to hard or my eye balls might fall out ahhh said sissy. Sissy helped piwakawaka get out of the mud than went back to Kahu they meet Te Ra and then Te Ra what am i? Kahu was going to say it but then Te Ra made Kahu quiet. it was all up to sissy and then she said are you a horse hahahah said Te Ra then sissy said are you a road no sissy it was your last one oo i think i know are you the sun yes so Te Ra let them pass

Then they saw Mahuika then pukeko said to Mahuika plasce un curse the burning curse then Mahuika let the curse off. 

Next steps
  • Re-read each sentence - does it look right? does it make sense?
  • Full stops and capital letters
  • Correct your spelling errors

1 comment:

  1. that is alot of writeing keep up the good work
