
Monday, December 13, 2021

Christmas 2021

 We had a lot of fun making Reindeer Cookies and Christmas decorations this week.

We used arrowroot biscuits, nutella, M&Ms and pretzels to make our delicious reindeer cookies. It was a lovely treat!

Our Christmas decorations had a 'Xmas Tree' theme. We made a finger print xmas tree card, a glittery xmas tree with a candy cane and then a xmas tree ornament for our trees. What a great way to end the year.

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 11, 2021


Last week we had our EOTC activities each day .On Wednesday we went to Lake Ngatu with Te Tinana. First we had to walk to the lake and I was so hot I just wanted to get into my togs and get straight in to the lake. When I got into the lake I felt like that I was in the snow it was so cold but it felt really nice because I was so hot when I was doing to walk. On Thursday we went to Waiari and it was so fun. On Friday we had a funday at school with water slides and bouncy castles!

Wednesday, December 8, 2021


 WALT respond to different types of poems. We are going to use different poems to help us practice our reading strategies.

.Rats bats

.Moan groan 

.me bee

.rat bat 

Alliteration - Ashley Aria ate an apple

Monday, December 6, 2021

Music with Matua Jade

WALT explore different musical instruments and we are learning to give different types of music a go.

Every Monday we get to have this fantastic guy and his name is matua Jade. He does lots of music I love doing music with Matua Jade. The first day that we went to music it was so much fun. We had so much stuff to do there where drums,piano,guitar and so much more. my favourite thing was the drums because they are so much fun and me Jordyn,hunter and cooper. were a band. The second one that we did was singing. I did not want to get up and sing. but I loved listening to the music. the third one was ukulele. I liked ukulele but I did have lines on my hands but I loved it at the same time. It was hard at first but now I am good at it and I can not wait for next Monday. 


Monday, November 29, 2021

Science - Water and Milk

We are learning to us water and milk to help us understand different scientific concepts.

On Friday we did some science. The first one was water travelling.For water travelling you need some cups,food colouring and some paper towels. with the plastic cup you need to pow some water in then you need to get the food colouring then get the plastic cup and pow the food colouring in each of the cup and make sure that the food colouring is in different cups then you get the the paper towels then you roll it and then you put it ins the two cup and the you are done.the Second one you need milk food colouring and dish soap. get a boll then pow the milk in the boll and then you need to put two drops of food colouring get three colours then get the dish soap and get a tooth pick and then put on some of the dish soap on the tooth pick then put the tooth pick in the middle of the bowl then it will end up really cool.


Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Water - An Amazing Substance

We are using water to help us understand different scientific concepts.

Last Friday we did some science with Te Tinana. The first one was Evaporation when you do evaporation you need a plastic cup and make sure that the science exasperate is not in the shade or else it will not work. with the plastic cup you need water and fill the cup with water and make sure that it is a sunny day. Then you tip the water on to the concrete and then wait for a little while and then it will magically fad away.

The second one that we did was to keep the water in the cup and we had a ice cream lid under it and if some air got in the cup then the water will fall out of the cup.

Then the third one was that the cold water had to travel to the warm water.

Asttle Narrative Writing - The Knight

The children write for a total of 40 minutes. Within that timeframe they have to plan their writing (a brainstorm) write, edit and re-craft their work. They are not allowed to use dictionaries or word cards. The students completed their writing on paper but have typed it out for their blogs.

WALT write a creative narrative story!


Once up on a time far away lived a king,queen and there knights. one day the knights said to the king and the queen the witch has made her a army and came to attack the kingdom. the knights were so scared but then one of the knight had a plan he can rember a book that he read when he was a kid so he check everywhere in the laibery and then he find it. it was dusty and rusty and the book was called how to defeat  a witch and her army. So on day of the war the knight rember the book he read so the knight did a spell on the witch and the army and then then they never came back again and they went to another kingdom and then we never seen the witch and her army again.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori

WALT read, write and say māori words and sentences.

When we had Whaea Seroya every day we would get a kupu o te ra and that is a word of the day. I have been learning lots of Maori words and the meanings of them, like kuaha means door, pukapuka means book and there are many more. We did a little bit of art. It was making weku masks. There was also this game called wharewhare kemu. Wharewhare kemu helped us with our maori words for fruit

(hua rakau. I have been learning lots and maybe you might too. When we did our pukapuka we said ko wai au.  no hea au. Ko panana au. 

Friday, September 24, 2021

Persuasive Texts

 WALT identify parts of a persuasive text 

Thursday, September 23, 2021

My persuasive writing plan

                WALT plan our persuasive writing on a JAM board  

Friday, September 10, 2021

Online Reading

WALT sound out unknown words and understand the main ideas in the text.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

My Lockdown Bubble

WALT share details about our ‘Lockdown Bubble’. 

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

My Science

Me and my sister did some science and it was so cool.  

Thursday, August 12, 2021

The Olympic Games

We are learning about the Olympic Games.

WALT skim and scan information to answer questions about the Olympics.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Our Place, Our Stories

 We have been learning about the taonga in our school and community. We have also been learning our pepeha. My pepeha is a way it introduce myself.

At my school we respect our school values and our taonga. Our taonga at school is part of our community. 

Friday, July 2, 2021

Maori Games

We are learning about the games that Māori played in the past.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Term 2 - Legends Assembly

We are learning to use descriptive language in our writing

3-digit Addition Strategies

 WALT solve addition equations using a place value strategy.

Friday, June 11, 2021

First Draft - Mahuika Show

Once upon a time there where  two sisters and there name where kahu and sissy but sissy would never help with jobs she would just let her sister do all of the work then one day the sisters went to help there Nan do her garden so kahu just went and sissy she was hiding then 

Kahu said sissy where are you. Nan said that you have to help. sissy still did not answer. then Nan came in. Kahu where is your sister said Nan I do not know said kahu. She always gets out of the jobs in a sigh she is called lazy kahu said don't call your sister lazy Nan said. Fine but she is lazy.

A few seconds later Kahu finally fined sissy. kahu said hahahaha I fined you no no no no said sissy. what is this said kahu it is a kete said sissy. they stied into there eyes and they said its mine they said together.

Kahu just got it before sissy could. no no no kahu its mine no i got it first. then they open the magic kete. poof came out a grrrrr it grid at them. then there Nan came then she said GIRLS WHAT ARE YOU DOING in a loud voice. kahu did it what no sissy did it what no she is lieing girls stop said nan. 

ooooo and nan i fined this okay i will come over here. then suddenly nan she was turned into COAL. then this guy and his name was potiki uhhhh Kahu who is this guy I do not know. i am the last flaming figer nalie uhhhhh said sissy. wait can you help us please our nan she was turned into stone okay. then here came pukeko. he said Potiki i am going to take you on a trip heheh so potiki he hoped on his back and flew away  then sissy meet piwakawaka and he had big eyes and he was stuck in the mud so sissy help and piwakawaka said don't pull 


then sissy meet piwakawaka and he had big eyes and he was stuck in the mud  and piwakawaka said don't pull to hard or my eye balls might fall out ahhh said sissy. Sissy helped piwakawaka get out of the mud than went back to Kahu they meet Te Ra and then Te Ra what am i? Kahu was going to say it but then Te Ra made Kahu quiet. it was all up to sissy and then she said are you a horse hahahah said Te Ra then sissy said are you a road no sissy it was your last one oo i think i know are you the sun yes so Te Ra let them pass

Then they saw Mahuika then pukeko said to Mahuika plasce un curse the burning curse then Mahuika let the curse off. 

Next steps
  • Re-read each sentence - does it look right? does it make sense?
  • Full stops and capital letters
  • Correct your spelling errors

Monday, May 31, 2021

My Mum

I'd like to introduce you to the BEST MUM EVER.

My mum has short curly hair,shiny light browns eyes, wears ripped jeans with a flower dress or t shirt. She would sometimes let me and my brother go to the lolly shop after school but only on a Fridays. 

Mum would not let there be a hole in the back yard because then the dogs would find it and then escape.
Me and Mum like to bake, play, have hugs, watch movies together and feed the dogs.she the best mum because when I am sad she hugs me and kisses me. 
I love my Mum!

Love From Casey

Friday, May 14, 2021


Why we have ANZAC Day? 

We have ANZAC Day so we can honour the soldiers that had risked their lives to save millions of people and their countries. We should appreciate what they had done. ANZAC Day is on the 25th of April because that was when they landed Gallipoli in Turkey. When it is ANZAC Day we can make ANZAC cookies,go to the parade,go to the war me morials,sing the national anthem. Lest we forget

Thursday, April 15, 2021


 WALT ask a question for data collection, create a survey to carry out a simple investigation, make a tally chart and create a bar graph.                                                                                                                      We have to ask a question to fine out information (data)

If you ask more than one question then that is called a survey. we learnt to crate and understand tally charts. we know to make 4 marks then cross a line.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

America's Cup A-Z and Dear Future Me

We have been learning about the America's Cup Yacht Race.

WALT set goals for our future self.                                             

Peter Burling was the youngest helmsman NZ has ever had. He set a goal when he was 11 to race in the America's Cup when he grew up. I am setting myself a goal for 'My Future Self'. 

My Pets


My dogs are called Chief,Charlie and Zoe. My first dog that I had was Chief. His real name is Chief but I called him chiefly with a y. And here are some facts about him he is the oldest dog that I  had. Chief is a really sensible dog because when we say wait he waits when we say sit he sits. So he is my   favourite dog. 

The second  one that I had was Charlie she is about to turn a year old and when we brought her she was the smallest dog in her family and she is so tiny that she can fit underneath both of my gates the gate that lids into the driveway and then my second one that is close to my front door and I forgot to tell you Chief was the biggest dog in his family. Now my third one is Zoe and she was like in the middle of her family and she is one year and 8 month old and here's a facet  about her she always gets excited about nothing and the one game that all of the dogs like to play is tag and racing. Chief he always loses because he is getting old now. those were all of my pets but not all of them because I have chickens and I used to have 11 but now I have 9 because my dogs ate 2 and that was very sad we used to get 10 but now we get 8 and I almost forgotten that one of the chicken do not lane eggs so now we just get 8. But 8 is still a big number. One more thing my brother he wants to name one of the chickens don because his name is Donnie and that is short for Donnie. 

Friday, April 9, 2021


WALT use our reading strategies to find information in the text

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Tsunami Evacuation

We wrote a recount about our evacuation experience. WALT add details to our writing and edit carefully.


One week ago on Friday there was a Tsunami Evacuation. It happened when we were on our free writing Friday. When Whaea Deb came into the class and she told us about the Tsunami  Evacuation. So everyone in the school  packed their bags  and we travelled onto a hill and some people even were crying but I was not. When we got on the hill we started eating lunch and I had a big drink of water and the water was so nice and cold that was just what I needed. A few minutes later I saw my mum and she came to pick me up and Carly aunty picked her up  but we couldn't leave until the road was safe to go on.

Monday, March 22, 2021

The Great Reading Adventure

We are learning to write a moment in time about our class assembly, 'The Great Reading Adventure'.

Finally the day has arrived it was our assembly with Te Tinana. I had butterflies  in my stomach. I was outside the door waiting for the song to play. When the song was on we came in the room and we did our actions I forgot a little bit of the actions but it was fine. Soon the Maui and the sun song came on and it was show time. I was the first one to say my lines. But when I did my lines I was fine and I do not know why I was so scared. After when Duffy said you should read for 15 minutes each night to become a reading superstar we stood up and we do our song. I loved our show and I can not wait for next year.